1. Corneal Vertical Distance(VD): 0.00mm、12mm、13.75mm、15mm
2. SPH: -20.00 m-1~ +20.00 m-1( VD=12mm,0.01 m-1、0.06 m-1、0.12 m-1、
3. 0.25 m-1 unit), deep myopia measurement available
4. CYL: 0.00 m-1 ~ ±6.00 m-1 (0.25 m-1 unit)
5. Cylinder Form: -、+、±
6. Axis (AX): 1°~ 180° (1° unit)
7. Pupil Distance (PD): 10mm ~ 85mm (0.1mm unit)
8. Radius of Corneal Curvature: 5.0 ~ 10.0mm (0.01mm unit)
9. Corneal Power: 33.00 m-1~ 67.00 m-1 (in case that the corneal equivalent
10. refractive power is 1.3375)
11. Corneal Astigmatism: 0.00 m-1 ~ 15.00 m-1 (0.06 m-1/0.12 m-1/0.25 m-1 unit)
12. Other Performance Parameters
13. 9″TFT touch screen (angle adjustable)
14. Printer: 57mm thermal printer
15. Measuring Light Energy: <30uW (prevent injury to eyes during measuring)
16. Measuring Time: <0.5s
17. Minimum 2.0mm pupil can be measured. The application of cloud and mist
18. chart technology allows the patients’ eyes to look at the internal targets in a
19. natural and comfortable situation and make the measurement more accurate
20. Auto tracking, auto focusing and auto measuring of end of measurement (partial model)
21. Electrical Power: AC100 ~ 240V, 50/60Hz
22. Consumption: 60AV